Friday, December 5, 2008

The Catholic School Principal and the Universal Call to Prayer

The Catechism sets the stage for two methods of prayer.

First Method
Man in search of God – God calls every being from nothingness into existence.

· Man is after the angels, capable of acknowledging the majesty of our Lord in his name. (Psalm 8:5; 8:1)
· Man still remains in the image and likeness of God even after the fall. (Acts 17:27)

Second Method
  1. God calls man first – man cannot escape the everlasting love of the Father and his desire for man to pray.

  2. Man can reject the love of the Father, however God will always call man to the mysterious encounter of prayer with Him.

  3. God is always faithful in prayer.

  4. Prayer is a reciprocal of man to God.

  5. It is a covenant with God

    “Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.”

    - St. John Damascene